Suppose you have saved a sum of money, would you think about buying a house, a car or starting a business? If you have no idea, let this Malaysian netizen tell you her method!
This netizen was still a college student at the time. Her friends were all working hard to make money and planning for their future. So when she decided to travel around the world, many people didn’t understand why she did this, and even began to think that traveling around the world was a waste of money.
Because in everyone’s perception, one must first have a stable life, and then only after the economic situation is stable will oneonsider traveling. But she doesn’t understand why some people have high salaries, can eat whatever they want, buy whatever they want, but are not happy?
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At the age of 21, she didn’t want to be ti down by a house and a car. Once you buy a house, it’s a lifetime commitment. Why should you be tidown by these loans at such a young age? It would be better to travel to Hungary Phone Number List cdifferent places and countries as much as possible while you are young to broaden your horizons. Although she spent a lot of money on traveling, she didn’t regret it at all!
Although she spent 80% of her savings on traveling abroad
she went to the places she wanted to go the most, such as London and Prague, to Finland to see Santa Claus, to Taiwan Afghanistan Phone Number List to eat delicious food, to Paris to pursue romance, to Iceland to see the Northern Lights, to Spain to see Gaudi’s works, to Vienna to listen to Mozart’s concert.
To Hong Kong to pursue TVB’s filming locations, and to Disneyland, which she had always dreamed of, and to Japan to eat the most authentic sushi, ramen and sashimi! Just think about it, how many people will never be able to do these countries and attractions in their lifetime, or do not have the courage to do them?