Curious about how other people

A start their day? Here are 12 things successful people do first thing when they get to work!
post by Chloe Chan
by Chloe Chan

Jan 16, 2019 Posted at 9:38 AM
Let me ask you a question first: What will you do in the first hour of work?

Some people will make

A cup of coffee and have breakfast first; some people will discuss with colleagues where they went after get off work last night; some people plunge into work and are so busy that they don’t even have time to have breakfast.

Do you want to know what successful people prioritize Bahamas Phone Number List when they arrive at the company? American workplace expert Lynn Taylor shared 12 things successful people do in the first hour of work. If you want to improve your work efficiency, you may wish to refer to it!

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1. Take a step back and reflect

It’s important to take the time to look at the big picture Belarus Phone Number List  When starting a project, people tend to dive in and work on it. But successful people step back, prioritize what’s really important, and look at the bigger picture.



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