Recently, everyone is working from home, and you may not realize that your printer ink is running out quickly. So what do you do when your printer ink runs out ?
I believe most people will do the same as me, throwing away the old one and buying a new one. In fact, these used ink cartridges can be recycled for money.
There is a Cartridge Ink page on
Facebook that specializes in the recycling of these used ink cartridges, and the price can be as high as RM26! It is said that this is the highest price recycling France Phone Number List station for empty printer ink cartridges in the Klang Valley. It also provides free pick up in the Klang Valley, and free shipping in other areas.
Recyclable ink cartridge models
If you want to contribute to environmental Afghanistan Phone Number List protection, take action today and save the used ink cartridges first, and then recycle them again later.