Drinking Ais Kosong will cause

I wonder if you are like me, wanting to order a cup of Ais kosong or “snow tea” to quench your thirst as soon as you sit down at a mamak stall?

Perhaps everyone’s parents have warned us not to drink cold drinks while eating, saying that ice water can affect health and slow down the digestive system; but the weather in Malaysia is so hot that it is unbearable, and not having cold drinks will make people feel uncomfortable!

But the question is, is drinking ice water or cold drinks really bad for your health?


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This is just an ancient legend and custom. There is Bolivia Phone Number List no scientific research to prove that ice water can cause indigestion!

This legend and custom originated from India’s Aedas medicine. Locals believe that drinking ice water can reduce the digestive system of the stomach and intestines, leading to indigestion.

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When this strange custom

Spread, it has been passed down to this day; fortunately, there Vietnam Phone Number is still no research report showing that ice water will slow down the digestive system. On the contrary, the report shows that ice water tends to help digestion! How strange.

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