What is the digital maturity test and how to take advantage of it

You are probably aware of the subsidies contemplat in the digital kit program to promote the digitalization of smes and the self-employe . In this case, it is pertinent to remember that one of the most important requirements to obtain this aid is to take the digital maturity test . It is not a simple form to fill out. As we will see later, this evaluation will help the agencies in charge to know the priorities of each applicant and stipulate the amount of aid. In this article we present the characteristics of the test, as well as how to access it. What is a digital maturity test? A digital maturity test is a diagnosis that allows both smes and self-employe workers , with a workforce of less than 50 employees, to know, through a few simple questions, the level of digitalization they have.

Able to obtain non-refundable aid

In addition, it is an essential requirement to obtain aid from the digital kit program carrie out by the ministry of economic affairs and digital transformation. It should be note again that, thanks to this Vietnam Telegram Number Data program, aspiring companies will be able to obtain non-refundable aid of up to 12 thousand euros. With the amount award, they will be able to contract new digital solutions for their businesses and, in this way, accelerate their digital transformation . How can I access the digital maturity test? To have access to the digital maturity test , you must first enter the acelera pyme platform . Once inside the page, you proceed to register your company and wait for the validation of said process. Then, you will log in to the platform. There you will find the questionnaire.

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Various aspects are evaluated using these criteria

Such as the cybersecurity tools available in companies and the digital knowledge possessed by their employees. Likewise, the test assesses the speed of the internet connection with which you work, the Azerbaijan Telegram Number List electronic devices present in the company. As well as, it requires data on presence on social networks and the use of professional software for the adequate optimization of certain processes, in addition to their distribution among employees and billing percentages for sales made online. These questions, as mention above, are quite simple. Below we list some of them: what is the maximum contracte download speed of your internet connection ? Do you have ict security measures in your company ? Does your company have a profile on any social network.

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