In march, the ministry of economic affairs and digital transformation (mineco) made the first call for the accelera sme plan. Which will grant aid from the digital kit through which thousands of companies. Will be able to access a subsidy to boost their digital transformation . But… Who will be able to receive this benefit? How long will the call last? What procedures. Should I do to obtain it? In this article you will learn all that and more. What type of companies can access the digital kit aid plan? Following the instructions of the central. Government, mineco has implemente the accelera sme plan. This consists of a series of aid for smes. And the self-employe design to improve the technological platform that these types of companies have. In spain, around 94% of the economy is support by smes.
As a consequence of the health
Crisis cause by the coronavirus, these companies have been especially affect and with it the economy in general. This was due to the restrictions imposed by the authorities due to massive infections. Due to the disease. For this reason, many smes had to close or found it necessary to Singapore WhatsApp Number List invest in technology to survive. Thus, and as a measure to reactivate the economy. Save companies, promote entrepreneurship. And promote a socially responsible and planet-friendly economy, this initiative arises. In turn, these plans obey what is imposed by the european commission through its next generation funds . How much money can each type of company receive? According to the authorities. The companies that will be able to access this aid are smes, microbusinesses and the self-employ. The digital bonus includes. Three different financial provisions, depending on the type of company: companies with 0 to 2 employees: may receive up to 12,000 euros.
Businesses with workers
The maximum amount may reach 6,000 euros. Companies with 10 to 49 employees: the subsidy may be up to 2,000 euros. In addition, this aid will also be deliver depending on the level of digitalization of smes. What are the requirements to access the aid of the digital kit? In order. To Bahrain WhatsApp Number List request these digital solutions , it is necessary to meet some requirements that we explain below. Be self-employ, micro-business, small or medium-size business. This implies not exceeding the financial, operational and effective limits that define them. Be register with a minimum seniority of 2 years. That the company is not in crisis. Not be immersed in any of the prohibitions impos by the general subsidies law , stipulated in article 13.2. Not having exceed the limit of minimum aid granted by the government.