First call for aid for smes in the digital kit program

The digital kit or digitalization plan for smes already has its first call. The next generation eu funds are beginning to bear their first fruits, especially in the field of digital transformation of smes . In this article we talk to you about all the details relate to the first call for aid for smes . Aid for smes: the digital kit begins its journey the resolution that launches this first call for aid for smes has already been publish in the official state gazette. The new allocations of the digital bonus that will reach small and medium-size companies are processe through the agency , an entity attach to the ministry of economic affairs and digital transformation. What are the details you should know about this first step of the sme digitalization plan ? Let’s see below.

The information that has been published

Boe directs this first phase of the digital kit to companies with between 10 and 49 employees . In this way, the commitment to the digital transformation of smes will begin with the largest ones. Maximum USA Telegram Number Data amount of digital kit aid because the first call for aid for smes is aim at companies with more employees, the ministry has decide to support it with greater aid coverage than other segments. Because? Because it is precisely these smes that will obtain the greatest amount of money to benefit from the digital bonus sponsored by the next generation eu funds . Depending on the type of service requested, they may be eligible for a maximum of 12,000 euros. The first call for aid for smes covers all sectors the arrival of the digital bonus to companies covers all types of aid that originally announced.

Telegram Number Data

There will also be support for solutions

Virtual office services and tools, business intelligence and analytics, process management, electronic invoicing, secure communications and cybersecurity . Applications open in march Afghanistan Telegram Number List applications can be made from march 15 . That is the date established for companies to begin making their requests and receive subsidies in the aforementioned fields. Since that date, the government has established a period of 6 months to obtain the digital kit or digital voucher. Likewise, grants could end sooner if funds run out. Possibility of using a representative the fact that the term is only 6 months and that the aid depends on the availability of funds complicates things a bit. Therefore, when it comes to benefiting from this first call for aid for smes. Allows smes to use a voluntary representative.


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