All about the subsidy program for the digitalization of companies

The temporary instrument to boost recovery, next generation eu , together with the eu’s long-term budget, constitute a major aid package never before implemented in europe. For this purpose, a total budget of 2,018 billion euros has been approved. The objective of this initiative is to help rebuild europe after the covid-19 crisis. Likewise, they also include an extensive subsidy program to make europe a greener, more digital and more resilient continent. As we will see later, the availability of these resources made it possible to launch the digital kit program in spain . In summary, it consists of an aid plan to promote the digitalization of companies , with emphasis on less innovative sectors and traditional businesses.

Next generation antecedent of the kit

Digital subsidy program broadly speaking, next generation eu is an exceptional temporary recovery instrument agree by the european council in july 2020. It has a budget of more than €800 billion New Zealand Telegram Number Data destine to remedy the economic and social damage generat by the covid-19 pandemic. Of course, these resources will be distributed among member states to grant repayable loans of up to 360 billion euros. Likewise, they will be able to make non-refundable transfers for a euros. The two most relevant next generation eu programs are: the recovery and resilience mechanism (mrr), which is the axis of the recovery fund and has billion euros. In essence, its objective is to support the investment and reforms necessary in member states to achieve a resilient and sustainable recovery. In parallel, it will promote the eu’s digital and green priorities.

Telegram Number Data

Billion euros allocated and operating as structural funds

Although they will be more flexible and agile in their execution. Its purpose is to promote the digital, resilient and ecological recovery of the economy. Initiative progress the final stage of the adoption of the next long-term eu budget was reach. A year later, the Armenia Telegram Number List commission propose three new sources of revenue to strengthen the eu budget. On the one hand, the purpose of this initiative is to support the repayment of the grant component of next generation. Whose purpose is to guarantee the joint march of all the countries of the bloc towards a decarboniz economy . To achieve speed in the approval of the aforemention sources of income, the commission will work as a team with the european parliament and the member states. For this purpose, the commission will present proposals for new additional own resources until the end.


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