First results of the digital kit program

The kit digital program proved to be a successful initiative just a month and a half after the first of its calls were launched. In this case, for companies with between 10 and 49 employees. As we will see later, the receptivity of the plan is such that the government is considering expanding. The amount of 500 million euros available for the digitalization of smes with the aforementioned number of workers due to the high number of applications. Participation and first bonuses delivered from the digital kit program on april 18, 2022. The process of assigning the first 2,000 vouchers of the digital kit program began , corresponding to the call that began. Once notifie and once the aid has been received, the beneficiary companies will have six months to select among the eligible solutions those that they consider the most priority.

The amount of the first bonuses

Which constitute an important boost for the digitalization of these companies. In this regard, the secretary of state for digitalization and artificial intelligence , carme artigas, highlight the high demand Taiwan WhatsApp Number List for the bond. In just over a month, the number of applications. This figure represents 40% of spanish smes. But, in provinces such as, applications 50% of said business segment at the local level. To the above, we must add that more than 170,000 companies registere on the acelera pyme portal , through which the process is channele. Furthermore, 140,000 have already complet the digital maturity test , essential for the application when the specific call for their number of employees is launched.

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Carme artigas assured that the demand

As this subsidy is also known, exceeded the government’s expectations. In fact, his forecast was to reach 40,000 applications in four months, from the beginning of the process. More digitizing agents incorporated into the digital kit program on the other hand, at the time of writing this Australia WhatsApp Number List post, there were already a total of 6,739 digitizing agents participating in the digital kit program . These agents are the only companies authorize by the public business entity to provide the beneficiaries of the “digital bonus” with eligible solutions. Specific: website and internet presence. Electronic commerce. Social network management. Customer management. Business intelligence and analytics. Process management. Electronic bill. Secure communications. Cybersecurity. Apart from providing the products and services associate with these digital solutions, the agents are authorize to advise applicants for subsidies.


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